Last updated: September 11, 2024
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Erika R. Moore-Pollard, PhD
I am currently working on a collaborative NSF-funded project that integrates comparative genomic and transcriptomic approaches with evolutionary and functional analyses to decipher the molecular basis of the sunflower inflorescence across Asterales, Dipsacales, and Apiales.
Additionally, I study a group in the sunflower family, Packera, that is complicated by polyploidy, hybridization, and introgression, allowing me to ask questions related to biological processes and phylogeny construction.
I am also involved in the conservation genetics of the endangered sunflower species, Helianthus verticillatus, phylogenomics and systematics of North American Astereae, developing methods to generate long-read, target-enrichment sequencing data from Oxford Nanopore technologies (MinION), plus much more!
More information on the larger projects can be found in my Research tab!
Postdoctoral Researcher in Mandel Lab
University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA
phylogenomics • systematics • genomics • biogeography • plant genetics • climate change • evolution • bioinformatics • character trait evolution • polyploidy • conservation genetics • herbaria
Contact Me
University of Memphis
3700 Walker Ave., Memphis, TN 38152
Ellington Hall, Room 331
E-mail: moore[dot]erika[dot]r[at]gmail[dot]com